Senin, 14 September 2009


1. Sebutkan 5 contoh literatur primer dan sekunder yang anda kenal!

2. Tuliskan 2 alamat situs sumber informasi kimia, 2 alamat direktori internet dan 2 alamat mesin pencari!

3. Jelaskan 2 macam protokol internet!

4. Definisikan istilah “basis data”!

5. Sebutkan perbedaan antara www dan internet!


1. Literatur primer adalah yang pertama kali diterbitkan dari penerbit atau dari sumbernya secara lengkap dan asli.

Contoh : artikel yang dimuat di majalah/jurnal atau surat kabar, laporan penelitian, tesis, disertasi, laporan hasil seminar, buku teks, standar, paten.

Literatur sekunder adalah segala jenis tulisan atau informasi yang dapat dipergunakan untuk memperoleh jenis literature primer dan tidak berisikan pengetahuan baru.

Contoh : buku/majalah seri atau abstrak, buku/majalah indeks, bibliografi, katalog perpustakaan, ensiklopedia, thesaurus, direktori, .

2. Situs sumber informasi kimia :


Reaksi Kimia:

Tabel Periodik :

http;// merupakan situs yang berisi informasi kimia, jurnal, software, tutorial dan direktori situs yang berhubungan dengan kimia.

http://Kimia merupakan situs Kimia Indonesia yang memuat artikel kimia, jurnal, olimpiade kimia Indonesia, profil nobel kimia, tabel periodik, forum diskusi dan database organik sintesis.

Alamat direktori internet :

kimiakita online

Alamat mesin pencari :

3. Protokol internet merupakan program untuk koneksi ke internet.

Protokol internet diantaranya, yaitu internet explorer, opera, dan mozila firefox.

4. Basis data merupakan kumpulan data-data, misalnya kumpulan data tentang mahasiswa UNESA angkatan 2004 disebut database mahasiswa UNESA angkatan 2004, database organik sintesis, dan lain-lain.

5. Perbedaan antara www dengan internet, yaitu:

www kepanjangan dari world wide web yang artinya merupakan suatu perusahaan di dunia maya untuk program aplikasi web browser.

Internet kepanjangan dari international network yang artinya jaringan dari jaringan komputer.


· Jurnal adalah terbitan berkala yang berbentuk pamflet berseri berisi bahan yang sangat diminati orang saat diterbitkan .

· Paten adalah hak eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Negara kepada Inventor atas hasil Invensinya di bidang teknologi, yang untuk selama waktu tertentu melaksanakan sendiri Invensinya tersebut atau memberikan persetujuannya kepada pihak lain untuk melaksanakannya. (UU 14 tahun 2001, ps. 1, ay. 1)

· Skripsi adalah laporan tertulis hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dengan bimbingan Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi untuk dipertahankan di hadapan Penguji Skripsi sebagai syarat untuk memperoleh derajat Sarjana.

· Kamus adalah sejenis buku rujukan yang menerangkan makna kata-kata. Ia berfungsi untuk membantu seseorang mengenal perkataan baru. Selain menerangkan maksud kata, kamus juga mungkin mempunyai pedoman sebutan, asal-usul (etimologi) sesuatu perkataan dan juga contoh penggunaan bagi sesuatu perkataan.

· Glosari adalah penjelasan kata dalam bahasa Indonesia dan sinonimnya dalam Bahasa Inggris dan sebaliknya.

· Ensiklopedia atau ensiklopedi, adalah sejumlah buku yang berisi penjelasan mengenai setiap cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang tersusun menurut abjad atau menurut kategori secara singkat dan padat

· Monograf adalah sebutan lain untuk buku, dan digunakan untuk membedakan terbitan tersebut dengan terbitan berseri. Monograf berisi satu topik atau sejumlah topik (subjek) yang berkaitan, dan biasanya ditulis oleh satu orang. Selain itu, monograf merupakan terbitan tunggal yang selesai dalam satu jilid dan tidak berkelanjutan.

· Basis data (bahasa Inggris: database), atau sering pula dieja basisdata, adalah kumpulan informasi yang disimpan di dalam komputer secara sistematik sehingga dapat diperiksa menggunakan suatu program komputer untuk memperoleh informasi dari basis data tersebut.

· Virtual Library adalah suatu direktori perpustakaan maya yang menyediakan alamat-alamat dari pusat informasi atau perpustakaan yang menyediakan layanan secara online dan menyediakan koleksi informasinya untuk umum.

· Direktory internet adalah sekumpulan informasi yang disusun berdasarkan hirarki tertentu yang merupakan sekumpulan jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan berbagai macam situs.

· Textbook adalah petunjuk dari buku pelajaran atau sebagai patokan buku dalam banyak cabang pembelajaran.

· Dokumen adalah suatu hasil yang diperoleh secara ilmiah.

· Protokol internet adalah form yang mengatur format data yang diijinkan, penanganan kesalahan (errorhandling),lalu lintas pesan, dan standar komunikasi lainnya. Protokol internet juga merupakan program untuk koneksi ke internet.

· Advanced search adalah form yang digunakan untuk melakukan pencarian akurat. Anda bisa memasukkan lebih dari satu kata kunci untuk mencari data sesuai dengan kriteria dan kategori yang diinginkan.

Kamis, 03 September 2009

"Bird Flu"

       In October 2003, an epidemic of influenza in chickens began sweeping through several countries in the Pacific Rim (Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, China, South Korea, Cambodia). The virus is H5N1. The H5 molecule is common among bird influenza viruses but has not been seen on flu viruses that cause human epidemics. However, sporadic human cases of H5N1 (with an alarmingly-high fatality rate) have been occurring ever since. 
        As a glance at the tables above will show, humans have had long experience with infections and vaccines by both H1 and H3 flu viruses. But the human population has absolutely no immunity against any H5 viruses. Has the ground been prepared for another worldwide pandemic? 
         So far, person-to-person spread seems to account for only a few cases. Most cases seem to have been acquired from close contact with infected birds. 
However, there are reports that the virus has been found in pigs. This is very troubling as simultaneous infection of a pig by a human strain could provide the opportunity for genetic reassortment between the two strains [Link] with the creation of an H5 virus able to spread rapidly between humans. 
           Work is going forward on an H5N1 vaccine. However, this is a virus that kills chickens so it is not surprising that it does not grow well in the eggs used for vaccine production

New Discovery in Fluorine Chemistry Poised to End PFOA Woes
August 9th, 2006 
Manufacturers of stain-repellents, non-stick cookware and other fluoropolymer-based materials will soon have an alternative to using controversial PFOA when developing such supplies. Fluorine chemist and Trinity Western University Professor, Chad Friesen, PhD, has developed a revolutionary environment-friendly process that utilizes a stable compound originally used as a lubricant. 
Presently, some fluoropolymers are manufactured using the essential processing aid, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). PFOAs, along with other perfluorochemicals, are extremely useful in industry because their unique molecular structure prevents them from mixing with water or oil, allowing regular materials to become impermeable to grease or water.
Recently however, PFOAs have come under fire for their potential toxicity to humans and their increased prevalence in the environment.
Alerted to these concerns eight years ago, Professor Friesen, who has worked on top-secret projects with NASA and the US military, began modifying the fluorous biphase process in search of a more environment-friendly solution.
“The fluorous biphase process is extremely important because it allows expensive metal catalysts to be recycled,” explains Friesen. “Obviously this significantly reduces energy consumption and business costs. So I wanted to maintain this principle, but alter it so there would be no chance of a harmful byproduct remaining.”
In collaboration with DuPont, one of the world’s top research and development corporation, and with research assistance from select TWU students, Friesen identified poly(hexafluoropropylene oxide), or poly(HFPO). This ligand is a non-toxic, non-biocummulative fluorinated ether that does not break down to PFOA and appears to be safe for humans. In certain applications, poly(HFPO) could provide alternatives to materials such as Teflon®. Friesen, 33, is no stranger to cracking difficult problems. At age 25, while working at DuPont, he cracked a problem that scientists had been working on for 40 years and found a use for hazardous chemical byproducts.
Completing the most recent project has been a labour of love for Friesen as funding to complete it has been surprisingly tight.
“It took four years to convince NSERC (The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) that we could solve the problem,” explains Friesen, who was overjoyed when he finally got the news about receiving the grant this year. “They didn’t believe we were actually achieving this level of research. In the past TWU has been known for its liberal arts education, not science and research, despite thriving in areas like chemistry, biology, computer studies and nursing.” 
The constant rejection for funding despite consistently meeting the demands of the Council was discouraging. Friesen and colleague Craig Montgomery, an inorganic chemist at TWU, both became adjunct professors at SFU at the request of NSERC, apparently to affirm their credibility, but they were still denied the grant. Finally, after filing for a patent, demonstrating their relationship with DuPont, collaborating with SFU, and establishing years of consistency, the chemists finally landed a $100,000 grant—$20,000 a year for five years—and are now able to continue the ground-breaking analysis of fluorous biphase catalysis. 
“We’ve got about 40 different versions of the poly(HFPO) to make and we’ve made three so far,” says Friesen. “The funding will allow us to hire more graduate and undergraduate researchers and fine-tune the process.” 
The funding will allow for more students like fourth-year Daryl Nyvall to participate. Nyvall is the fifth consecutive TWU student to be offered a year-long paid internship with DuPont. Several of the interns have even been listed on the patent, thanks to the research they conducted at TWU. Nyvall will be listed on the patent for poly(HFPO).
“The internship positions are highly competitive,” says Friesen, “and they’re awarded to only the very best. For the last five years we’ve had one student interning there each year and we’ve heard back that our students have been stellar.”
How the chemical process works 
Friesen explains the fluorous biphase process as functioning like the mythical Trojan Horse. The horse is the catalyst in the reaction and the soldiers hiding inside of it are the metal. Once the horse gets past the gate, the metal is released to do the work in the reaction. The horse’s tail, which is fluorinated and temperature sensitive, calls the soldiers back into the horse and they leave.
The problem with the reaction is that sometimes the tails falls off, converting to an acid and leaving cause for environmental concerns. Until Friesen’s discovery, scientists had only the option of altering the molecular building blocks of the catalyst’s tail, but had done so without viable success.
Friesen however, took a different approach. Instead of attaching a ridged fluorinated material to the tail, he used a flexible poly(HFPO). In this reaction, if the tail falls off, it remains an ether (not an acid) and is of no harm to humans or the environment. In certain applications, poly(HFPO) could provide alternatives to materials such as Teflon.
Source: Trinity Western University